Regina Pacis Jakarta

About Us

Director of School Message

Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome to Regina Pacis.

According to Paus Fransiscus, education is the act of love the same as to give life. This statement is in line with our founder “ad Veritatem per caritatem” value by Beata Marie de la Passion. Regina Pacis will be taught Recisian according to CHIPS values (compassion, humility, integrity, peace, and servant-leadership) . We believe that Regina Pacis graduates will be the future leaders, entrepreneurs, and professionals with a character who can survive in any industry in the upcoming artificial intelligent era.

Catholic Schools have been helping Indonesia education by graduating 22% of students from all over Indonesia. Regina Pacis was one of the oldest schools established in Indonesia since 1958 with proven financial stability, quality and grade A for the school accreditation with over 100.000 alumni all over the world. Regina Pacis is part of the world Franciscan Missionary of Maria that consists of a congregation of women representing 79 nationalities spread over 74 countries on five continents such as America, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, China. We also have a great many alumni who work as top leaders, ministers, entrepreneurs, and professionals and we are still educating re great alumni with FMM Character for the upcoming future.

We are a school that is able to forward with any kind of changing situation focusing on student quality. The changes will be happening continuously in all parts of our life. We will always upgrade employee skills such as digital skill training and also not to mention improving spiritually as we are a religious school. We are committed to excellent teaching, learning and developing leaders in many disciplines who make a difference globally with FMM Characters.

I want to say Thank You for choosing the great Regina Pacis and not to mention to thank you for the parent who has given the trust to us to build you as a Recisian with great character and values. You are in the right great hand. “Ad Veritatem per Caritatem”.

Handy Nagaria, B.Sc. MBA
Director of School Regina Pacis Jakarta